National Association of Social Workers, West Virginia Chapter
A. Board Member Participation
1. All Board members are expected to attend meetings and actively participate on a committee. Membership in NASW is required. Committee assignments may be automatic (e.g. the Treasurer chairs the Finance Committee). (See committees below).
2. When a board member misses consecutive Board meetings the president will notify the member of the Board’s attendance policy. Attendance Policy: After two consecutive absences members will be asked to reevaluate their desire and ability to serve. After 3 consecutive absences the Board may consider a motion to remove the member and ask the president appoint a suitable replacement.
3. To maximize the time available for discussion of organizational and policy issues, informational items (committee reports, policy drafts, minutes, etc.) will be communicated to board members in advance with the expectation that members will prepare for the meeting through prior review and reading of materials.
4. Board members and CCNLI Committee members are expected to sign and follow NASW policies regarding confidentiality and conduct in addition to the NASW Code of Ethics.
B. Meetings
1. To utilize the time efficiently and reduce the length and frequency of meetings of the Board and Executive Committee, we will use a "working lunch" principle whenever possible. Lunch will be provided or we will "brown bag.”
2. Agendas will be distributed in advance. Action items, those requiring a formal vote, will be identified.
3. Reports from board members, committees, liaisons, branches, etc. should be brief and in writing whenever possible. Reports should highlight accomplishments, plans, issues and recommendations for Board consideration.
4. Board meetings and locations are subject to change. Meetings will be announced at least (14) days in advance. See also items H. and I below: Tentative Board Meeting Dates and Other Important Dates to Remember.
C. Committees (Subject to change based on the Strategic Plan. Board action is required to create or disband a committee.)
1. As a working board, many of our accomplishments depend on active committee work. Committees study issues, develop plans and formulate concrete recommendations or action plans for the Board to consider. Recommendations or action plans should include a budget when indicated, and mesh with the Chapter’s Strategic Plan and Program Priorities. The Chapter Board acts on any recommendations prior to implementation and assigns fiscal and administrative resources as necessary to accomplish them. Service on a committee is also a good way to develop leadership skills and identify future leaders. Membership in NASW WV is required.
2. The following committees and task forces have been established by the Chapter bylaws, Board of Directors, or President with the consent of the Board of Directors. Unless otherwise indicated, the President appoints all committee chairs and members in accordance with the bylaws and affirmative action policies. Note that not all listed committees are currently active.
a. Executive Committee. Chaired by the Chapter President, the Executive Committee is composed of the elected board officers and two additional board members appointed by the President. It serves as the decision-making body between scheduled Board meetings and as a surrogate committee when needed. It also considers all Ethics Committee recommendations.
b. Personnel Committee. The Vice-President may be asked to form a Personnel committee to oversee the annual executive director performance appraisal. The appraisal consists of soliciting evaluations from elected and appointed leaders and bringing a recommendation to the Executive Committee. The Personnel Committee may also review personnel policies, employee benefits, complaints and the multi-year executive director employment agreement (contract).
c. Diversity Committee Prepares reviews, updates and recommends the Chapter Diversity Plan. Promotes minority membership and leadership development. Identifies member and Chapter issues related to diversity. Interfaces with other committees, branches, etc. as needed with board authorization.
d. Finance Committee. The Treasurer may form a Finance Committee to review or develop fiscal policies and recommendations, to prepare and recommend the annual Chapter budget or to recommend Board action on other fiscal matters.
e. Spring Conference Planning Committee. Plans, organizes and implements the annual Spring Continuing.
f. Fall Conference/Management Institute Planning. Plans, organizes and implements the Fall Conference/Mgmt. Inst.
g. Legislative Action Committee (ELAN - Educational Legislative Action Network). Develops and recommends the annual policy and legislative priorities of the Chapter. Encourages member participation in support of legislative goals.
h. CCNLI - Chapter Committee on Nominations & Leadership Identification. Members are elected. Identifies and recommends nominees for elections, appointments and awards. Carries out elections and awards according to NASW standards.
i. Strategic Planning Committee. Engages in strategic planning analysis to effectively focus Chapter programs, priorities and resources. A Chapter-wide, goal oriented work plan should be derived from this effort. Often chaired by the President-Elect.
j. Continuing Education Committee. Considers policies, procedures and plans for a general CE programming which supports professional needs & increases Chapter revenues. Examples are targeted CE events and CE approval policies.
k. Ethics Committee (formally Committee on Inquiry; Professional Review). A bylaws mandated committee that adjudicates ethical complaints under National NASW guidelines. Periodic training of the committee members should be arranged.
l. NASWAC - NASW Action Committee. The Chapter's registered political action committee. May endorse issues or candidates for election and solicit and distribute political donations. Encourages member participation in candidate election and voting.
m. Membership Committee. Recommends activities to promote membership recruitment and retention efforts. Involves Chapter leaders and members in carrying out these activities. Branch leaders and Student Reps are included on this committee.
n. Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Issues Task Force. Celebrates & promotes member diversity. Recommends advocacy, practice and policy activities related to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender members/consumers. Interfaces with committees, etc.
o. Other: Committees, Workgroups, Task Forces. The President, with Board consent, or the Board may create committees, workgroups or task forces to achieve established goals or to address specific professional or policy concerns. Budgetary and staff impact should be considered prior to formation.
p. Coalitions. Affiliation with like-mined organizations through coalition activities to achieve common goals requires Board review and approval. The Board is apprised of coalition efforts at least annually.
3. Committee members are recruited from membership and the Board and appointed by the president with Board consent. Terms of office are generally corresponding with the term of the president. For reporting purposes, each committee should include at least one Board member. Appointments are made in accordance with NASW policies regarding diversity, appointments and representation, and mindful of leadership development. Committees assist by nominating promising potential members.
4. Committee Size and Representation. The optimum committee size is five (5) members, which may be exceeded with Board approval. Committee makeup should represent at least three Chapter Electoral Regions (North, South, East, West), and meet Chapter diversity goals. The current Chapter goals for elected and appointed leaders are approximately 80% women and 5% minorities of color. These goals are applied to committee chair appointments separately from committee membership.
5. Committee resources include limited staff support for meeting planning/communications and travel expenses for up to 2 meetings per year. Electronic meetings are encouraged (conference call, webinar). Committees should attempt to meet in conjunction with already scheduled Chapter events (Board meetings, Spring Conference, etc.) to reduce expenses. Committee members provide reasonable in-kind services as possible (refreshments, copying, meeting space, etc.) and generate their own work products (minutes, reports, etc.). Committees cannot rely solely on limited Chapter resources and staff to perform routine functions
D. Operations. Chapter operations should be projected & monitored against the Chapter goals and priorities, and/or work plan compiled from approved committee work plans. Committee work plans should be presented to the Board in writing each fall.
E. Role of Chapter Staff. The Board’s point of contact with staff is the Executive Director, who shall be present at board and Executive Committee meetings. The Executive Director is empowered to implement plans to achieve the priorities identified by the Board. The role of Chapter staff is to provide expertise, counsel, advice, perspective and implementation support to the Board and committees in accordance with NASW and WV Chapter program priorities, work plans and these Board Operating Principles.
F. Government Relations Rapid Response Team. In the manner of the Executive Committee, the Chapter President, ELAN chair, and appropriate staff (at minimum) are authorized to make decisions committing the Chapter to a policy or legislative action when the necessity of immediate action does not allow full Board or Executive Committee deliberation. Such decisions are restricted to actions that address the specific issue at hand. Chapter program priorities, goals and NASW policies will guide such decisions. Decisions made in this manner are presented to the Board or Executive Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Examples include developing or amending position statements, agreeing to a plan of action to pass or defeat a piece of legislation and contracting for supplemental lobbying representation. Expenditures shall not exceed a 60-day contract period and/or $5,000.
G. Public Relations Response Team. In the manner of the Executive Committee, the Chapter President, appropriate Committee Chair/s, the Vice-President (if no relevant committee is active), member-expert/s identified by the President, and the appropriate staff (at minimum) are authorized to respond in an official manner to urgent professional or policy issues when the necessity of an immediate response does not allow for full Board or Executive Committee deliberation. Such decisions may commit the Chapter only to actions that address the specific issue. Chapter program priorities, goals and NASW policy statements will guide such decisions. Decisions made in this manner are presented to the full Board or Executive Committee at the next regularly scheduled meeting. Examples include official press releases, position statements, special advertising, special contributions or in-kind services and participation in amices (friend-of-the-court) briefs. In-kind services or expenditures/contributions shall be limited to $1,000 for each occurrence or fall within 10% of exceeding a line-item budget allocation.