Post-Election Resources

NASW Statement on Election Results

"...we will challenge any of his policies that harm our nation’s most vulnerable populations."

"As we enter this new presidency, NASW emphasizes the importance of resilience, advocacy, and continued support for social workers nationwide. We urge our members to remain active in shaping policies that affect social work practice and improve well-being of our entire society."


Practicing Self Care and Building Community for Yourself and for Your Clients

Tips for Discussing the Election with Clients

  • Johnson and Neupert (2023) found that future-oriented tactics, such as anticipatory coping, may play a protective role in managing the physical consequences of election-related stress.
  • It is important to support clients in their election stress while maintaining neutrality and empathy. Psychology Today
  • Supporting clients during this time may include handling political disagreements and decision fatigue. Tava Health

Working with Marginalized Populations to Cope with an Uncertain Time

Marginalized populations, such as BIPOC communities, the LGBTQIA2S+ community, immigrants, and others, are currently dealing with a very uncertain future. These population-specific resources are meant to help members of these communities to feel less alone in grappling with any feelings they may have.

  • Strategies that therapists are using to help marginalized communities cope with harmful political advertising. Minnpost
  • Ideas for LGBTQIA+ youth in coping with intense emotions due to the presidential election. The Trevor Project
  • Handling political anxiety as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. It Gets Better
  • Strategies for Black women in protecting their mental health this election season. Self

Hotlines/Warmlines Resource List

  • A note about accessing hot/warmlines: internet usage and cell phone logs may be monitored and it is impossible to totally conceal usage information. Most resources that offer both chat and telephone resources recommend calling in if users are concerned their internet traffic may be monitored.
  • A note about confidentiality: although many resources say their services are confidential and they will only involve law enforcement or other services upon request, it is important to ask the staff member directly (or investigate the policies on the resource’s website, if available) to understand their specific confidentiality policies.

LGBTQ+ Community

BIPOC Communities

General Resources