What do employers look for in a resume?
What words will make my resume stand out?
What questions can help me write a winning resume?
Sample Resume: BSW with Experience
Sample Resume: Chronological for MSW
Sample Resume: Senior Manager Social Worker
What makes a cover letter stand out from the rest?
Sample Unsolicited Cover Letter
Sample Cover Letter Based on a Referral
Sample Cover Letter Requesting an Informational Interview
Sample Thank You Letter Following a Job Interview
Sample Job Acceptance Letter
Sample Resignation Letter
Make sure you're prepared for the interview. These tips will help you interview successfully and gain the job offer you're seeking.
How to Market Yourself
Common Interview Questions
What will make my interviews more successful?
What should I ask during an informational interview?
What questions should I ask in an interview?
What key points can help someone get to know me quickly?
What questions should I ask in an interview or prior to taking on a new role?
"Why did you leave your last position?"
Searching for Jobs Outside the Traditional Social Work Setting, Online Doctor of Social Work program, USC
Who would be a good person to provide as a reference?
What could happen if I use a former boss (with whom I had a run-in) as a reference?
Should I give out references to an employer I'm not that interested in?