WVDHHR Coronavirus Disease Alerts & Updates
SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline 1-800-985-5990
WV Tele-Mental Health & Social Support Resources during the Pandemic
Have You Lost Your Health Insurance?
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
The WV Department of Health and Human Resources
WV DHHR 1135 Waiver Request 3/23/20
WV DHHR Advisory Memos
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center
The World Health Organization
ASWB Social Work Exam Test Scheduling Info
Prepare your practice for COVID-19 (CDC)
Medicare Telehealth Psychiatric CPT Codes Used by Clinical Social Workers
Responding to the pandemic as a disaster behavioral health worker (webinar)
Preliminary Thoughts on Social Worker Disclosure Responsibilities During the Pandemic
From Think Kids WV:
WVDHHR's Website WVDE's Website West Virginia Feeding Map Free COVID-19 Testing Dates/Locations WVDE School Re-Entry Guidance Think Kids' COVID-19 Resource Page
Also, Congress has passed the Families First Act to mitigate harm from the COVID-19 crisis emergency. The act will (among other things) extend employee sick leave benefits, expand free testing, and provide food aid to the most vulnerable citizens. It is likely one of several relief bills to be passed in the wake of the outbreak.
Starting Monday Jan. 25: 24/7 Online OR Call M-F 8am-6pm/Sat 9-5 (closed Sunday)